Windows 10 Simulator


a parody of a certain OS out in the market right now. This game is intended as a joke, it is in no way an emulation of an actual operating OS. Explore your simulated computer and discover tons of easter eggs and achievements.


encounter a total of 50 errors.
problematic v2
encounter a total of 100 errors.
encounter your first blue screen of death!
super speed!
set error speed to 0.
super slow!
set error speed above 15.
activate windows by typing in the activation code '110102' in settings (start menu , settings).
activate the barrybones1 easter egg by typing in the activation code 'barrybones'.
activate the MALGOW easter egg by typing in the activation code 'malgow'.
create your very own error by going into settings and editing the top-middle error window.
what is reality?
enter the matrix by activating windows, entering the Recycle Bin on desktop and selecting 'Matrix.exe'.
force quitting simulation.exe
successfully complete the matrix test.exe. (order of answers: 1. I ACCEPT, 2. SIMULATION, 3. A.I, 4. THREE DIMENSIONAL, 5. RED, 6. CREATOR).
musical faces
activate the hidden musical faces easter egg by clicking the windows profile icon, within the start menu, 10 times.
activate the illuminati easter egg by clicking specific areas of the 'windows' logo on the desktop wallpaper. There are 4 hidden buttons, click them all to activate. (areas to click)
aaldd the moderator
activate the aaldd easter egg by typing in the activation code 'aaldd'.
local idiot spams @everyone
activate the Discord easter egg by typing in the activation code 'discord'.
spooky time
activate the halloween easter egg and get spooky by typing in the activation code 'halloween' and selecting spooky.exe in the Recycle Bin.
activate the viruses and applications from Win XP Simulator by typing in the activation code 'wxps'.
select BonziBuddy.exe on desktop after activating the 'nostalgia' easter egg.
select Clippy.exe on desktop after activating the 'nostalgia' easter egg.
select WannaCry.exe on desktop after activating the 'nostalgia' easter egg.
open the fresh memes folder found on the desktop.
error snake
activate the error snake easter egg by typing in the activation code 'glitch'. press the start menu to exit.
free minecraft
activate the minecraft easter egg by typing in the activation code 'minecraft'. Then answering the branch error in the following order: 1. no ty, 2. sorry, 3. [cry], 4. [cry x2]
microsoft edge
just open Microsoft Edge by going into start menu and clicking "Microsoft Edge", or click it from the toolbar.